Venue Communications Blog - Page 7

News and announcements posted to the Venue Communications Blog.


Email Alias

Posted December 18, 2006 to News Flash.

What is an email alias? It is not a real email account. Instead it is an address that forwards all email it...

Let it Snow

Posted December 4, 2006 to News Flash.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow on your web site! Show your web site is up to date with seasonal effects such...

Keyword Suggestion Advice

Posted November 27, 2006 to News Flash.

Choosing the right keywords can make a significant improvement in your web site traffic. Ask yourself what words...

Online Event Listings Editor

Posted November 13, 2006 to News Flash.

Our Event Listings Online Editor is a very easy to use database that can be accessed from any computer in the world...

Add Weather to Web Site

Posted November 6, 2006 to News Flash.

Venue Communications, Inc. can install custom weather forecasts on your web site. There are many weather providers to...

Seasonal Special Effects

Posted October 30, 2006 to News Flash.

Add some seasonal web design special effects to your web site. Special effects can be built in a number of different...

Domain Name Renewal Notice Scam

Posted October 16, 2006 to News Flash.

Domain scam artists will attempt to deceive people into switching to their domain registration services. One way they...